
What does it mean when designers refer to “Form”?

Form: Pronunciation /fɔːm/ noun verb The visible shape or configuration of something. Bring together parts or combine to create something   Form refers to the shape and configuration of a building. Both form and negative space are considered the primary

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Registering your Swimming Pool or Spa – What do you need to know?

New Legislation was introduced on Sunday 1 December 2019 whereby owners of a pool or spa are required to register it with their local council by 1 June 2020, and have their safety barrier inspected once every four years.

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Change of Use Permits – What are they? And why would you need one?

Ironically, businesses all over the globe are closing their doors, to remain open. These are strange times, however it's truly inspiring to see so many business owners thinking creatively to adapt their business models, services, and products to comply with

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Building Inspiring Spaces

At Lateral Building Design, we are… personal. creative. experienced. Personalised building design solutions expertly delivered with experience, advice and a focus on your individual needs.

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